Are You Sabotaging Yourself: Top 5 Strategies to Set Yourself Up for Success

You may be sabotaging yourself and not even realize it. I mean really who wants to interfere with their own success and cause more unnecessary stress? Apparently most of us do. Do you say yes to projects or activities that you don’t have time for? Do you plan more in your day than is humanly possible to get done? Do you stop to answer the phone or check email while in the middle of a project? Do you get sidetracked by co-workers, children or incoming information? Do you spend time on activities that are not essential? I have been guilty of most if not all of these productivity saboteurs at one time or another.

  1. So what can you do to set yourself up for success at home or at work?
  2. Stop sabotaging yourself!
  3. My top 5 strategies to keep you on the path to an organized and productive day:
  4. Set your top 3 priorities before you start your day – I cannot hammer this home enough. It is crucial.

Set aside an uninterrupted window of time to focus on your most important tasks( I recommend 60 – 90 minutes) – That means door closed, phone on silent, email checking disabled and IM turned off. At home it may mean children napping or otherwise occupied (pets too.)

Have your list of core concentrations in front of you (mine are posted above my desk) – Don’t have a list of core concentrations? Make that your priority for today. Use this list when deciding what projects or activities to say yes too. If it’s not on that list, the answer is no! That is unless you have an abundance of free time, in which case you wouldn’t be worried about being more organized, now would you? Also use it to set your priorities for the day or week.

Remember to work in blocks and take regular breaks – Fatigue is the number one obstacle to productivity. Your energy and ability to focus are impaired when you don’t take time to recharge throughout your day. As little as a few minutes to stretch, get a drink or step outside can work wonders.

Stop addictive online behaviors – Check email at specified times. Set a limit on time spent on social media, games, statistics/analytics and information intake. Set aside specific times and a set time limit for these activities. Those activities may be a part of your schedule, but they are generally not income producing activities.